Friday, January 2, 2015

An anthology of Grace Singers Choir Christmas Carol 2014

This is the photo speak of the just concluded Christmas carol of the Grace Singers choir. Sit back, relax in harmony and enjoy yourself.

From left to right is Omoijuanfo Maria (secretary general), Igunma Osas Jeffery (financial secretary), The great Ezeala  Moses, Mr Christopher Omonbhuude ( choir master general), Osagiede  Ehis Gius.

More actions during the Christmas Carol. Great Moses Ezeala performing a solo peace " Let the bright Seraphim" by G F Handel. He was accompanied by Ehis Gaius on d Clarinet as well as Mr. Macdonald a classical Organist from Uniben. They were so marvellous

Mr Chris Omobhuude on the piano. He is the composer of the best Esan piece 2013 Uromi diocesan musical competition an entry for Holy Trinity catholic Church Ewu.

Ehis Gius on the clarinet. Well grounded on classical songs. Any classical manuscript you may need please contact him.

Grace singers on "for unto us a child is born" by G F Handel

Congregational hymn conducted by Mr Chris Omonbhuude

More photos for your viewing pleasure. HAPPY CHRISTMAS AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR

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