Friday, March 20, 2015

Who is a good choirister?

Who a chorister really is depends on our commitment to choral activities. How commited are you to you choral duty. It is petinent to look at who a good chorister really is.
1. A good chorister is one who takes his choral duties serious.
2. A good chorister is one who is a registered member of a choir. there are some of us chorister who is owing 3 years dues.
3. A good chorister is one who comes at most 15mins before choir duty. He or shenever comes late to choral duties.
4. A good chorister is one who comes to practice with his or her choir materials.
5. A good chorister is not a noise maker. Never gossips, never ping or call when function is on.
6. A good chorister never disrespect his fellow chorister no matter how small the choirister is.
7. A good chorister takes pride in dressing well to choral funtion. dress the way you want others to address you
8. A good chorister keeps hygiene like brushing of teeth, keeping your nils neat. dress neatly, and helps other chorister to emulate his or her foot step.
9. A good chorister take pride in educating his or herself like attending seminars, workshops. takes pride in prayerfully building his or herself.
10. A good chorister  is one who prays Without ceasing.
The opposite of this is a bad chorister. kindly share with us who a good chorister really is on the comment box below.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Download Sibelius 7 and What you can do with Sibelius

What is Sibelius?

You may be wondering what Sibelius is. Well, Sibelius is a music software. This software has a lot of pros and is widely used by a lot of musicians around the world. There are other music notation software out there but we shall take a close look at Sibelius for now.

What can you do with the Sibelius music software?

Here are the things you can do with this amazing software:
You can notate your music. This means that you can create sheet music using Sibelius by scoring your music. The interface of Sibelius is very user friendly and that is why we recommend it for you. If you want to arrange your music, it offers you a great number of possibilities. You can also create accompaniment for your music and include lines of percussion. A good amount of instruments are available to create interesting sounds. In fact, you can use Sibelius as a music production software because it allows you to record your music. Also, when you are done scoring your music, you have a number of things you can do. You may wish to export the music in a PDF format or a .wav format, or a midi format.
Still interesting is the fact that Sibelius is flexible so much so that you can input the tonic solfa music notation on your score. This is possible through the use of plugins which come with the software. There are also other plugins which are quite useful such as the drum pattern plugin, verses, dynamics, etc. The processes of scoring your music are numerous. You can either score your music on sibelius using the mouse, or by making use of the computer keyboard, or using a midi keyboard (piano). These make it even interesting to score your music using the Sibelius software.

free download sibelius 7...

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Download Agnus Dei Manuscript by Tom Bot (2015)

Agnus Dei
Agnus Dei is a Latin word which means Lamb of God. It is recited or sung during the celebration of the holy mass at the point after the sign of peace has been observed.
It reminds us of God’s mercy and love for us, so much so that his only son, who is the Lamb, was slain for the forgiveness of our sins.
The full text of the Agnus Dei in Latin is as follows:
Agnus Dei qui tollis peccata mundi, miserere nobis.
Agnus Dei qui tollis peccata mundi, miserere nobis.
Agnus Dei qui tollis peccata mundi, dona nobis pacem.
And in English:
Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world, have mercy on us.
Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world, have mercy on us.
Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world, grant us peace.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Download Oga Ogo Emawole manuscript by Matthew Ogwuche

Reactions of Nigerians to Fr Mbaka's message of "Goodluck to Badluck"

“Mbaka will take responsibilities for his own actions. I do not believe in my mind that the way things are in Nigeria, any Catholic priest has the mandate to decide which of the political contestants should be voted for. What most of us will do is to tell people to vote according to their conscience and then, we tell the authorities to allow people to vote freely and fairly.

"Every news headlines now bears Fr. Mbaka's New Year message. I think the Canon Law which is the official constitution of the Catholic is clear on this. The canon law forbids Catholic Priest of engaging in partisan politics. The Church does not support candidates. No! The Church teaches her members on voting for the consciences. Mbaka cannot represent the intentions of over 3million Catholics in Nigeria. He's only speaking for himself and he can be sanctioned if his Bishop so decides. Because even the highest authority of the Church in Nigeria the Catholic Bishops Conference of Nigeria would not trod such path of campaigning for any candidate for election in the Church. This is absolutely unacceptable and demands caution from his Local Ordinary. He should stop politics in the church in the name of prophetic message. He's confusing people, because he made a promise to the First Lady when she visited his ministry of continuity in Jonathan's administration. Now, he's telling them to vote for Buhari and that Jonathan is a badluck. This is deceptive in disguise and it's against the teachings of the Catholic Church. He's not representing the Catholic Church please, the media must be conscious of what they write for the public to read about this horrible message in connection with the Catholic Church.


I admire mbaka as a priest,but his recent actions makes me ashamed as a catholic. As a priest, he has d right to speak out against evil but his recent remarks is against the canon law. Most of his recent comments for the past months are no longer spiritual enriching but political.i was scandalized the other day i read in the news that d PDP ACCUSED APC OF BRIBING FR MBAKA TO D TUNE OF 850 MILLION THROUGH GOV ROTIMI TO RUBBISH might not be true but many people look up to mbaka as there spiritual fr and might be lead astray.let FR MBAKA GO BACK TO HIS CALLING,RETREAT INTO D DESERT AND MEDITATE ON HIS MINISTRY.IF NOT!

 Okechukwu Anthony Nwosu Don't really get this, as a priest do you just keep quite while your people wallow in abject poverty and lack. Don't you think it's better to tell them (politicians) the truth instead of praising them to high heavens when they are not doing well. I keep telling people until i noticed a significant improvement in power supply in my area i will not vote for Goodluck. It's the only thing that i know that government provides for us and we have moved from frying pan to fire in the past one year.

 Duchess Ify I watched the message, he said its a message from the Holy Spirit and as a priest, he is expected to give the message to God's people. Most of the write ups misquoted him, so be careful of what you have read, the real message revealed the mishap we are suffering and still going to suffer, in that, many have not been paid in the ministries and many will loose their jobs and the corrupt ones wants continuity so that they can be richer at the expense of the people. He never even asked people to vote for buhari, he said he wanted change.

 Akinwalere Mathew Temitayo Gatosh According to the CBCN he is actually free to involve in politics if he so wish. But I don't expect him to take it that far

 Peter Stanley if anyone in this forum made dat remark REV made it will not make the kind of impact it created, so its better for highly placed people to make that remark, its for this reason we place them in that high place. We need more remarks from other highly placed servents of God.

Fr. Mbaka and 2015 election.
I have seen in social media some expression credited to Mbaka.
May I please understand if a Catholic Priest is allowed to make such political opinion.